
Today's poem is "Dandelion Spores outside the Methodist Home, 1972"

from 32 Poems

Dan Albergotti is the author of The Boatloads (BOA Editions, 2008), Millennial Teeth (Southern Illinois University Press, 2014), and Candy (LSU Press, 2024). His poems have appeared in 32 Poems, The Cincinnati Review, Copper Nickel, Ecotone, The Southern Review, The Best American Poetry, and The Pushcart Prize, as well as other journals and anthologies. He lives in Tampa, Florida.

Other poems by Dan Albergotti in Verse Daily:
August 1, 2023:   "The Ghost" "In the beginning you were surely there..."
November 18, 2022:   "The Vault" "Kingsolver tells young writers to stop smoking..."
June 20, 2022:   "Of Truth and Other Fabrications" "Of all those old truths now no longer true..."
April 1, 2022:   "Anthem" "We sang the same song time and time again...."
January 31, 2022:   "Brayer" "From four fields down this morning, the Walkers' mule..."
March 9, 2021:   "Earth Shovel" "Photographed from 18,000 miles in 1972, Earth had the look..."
February 3, 2020:   "The Elect" "Like the vole, I have wandered a field..."
December 2, 2019:   "A Sort of Art" "They made a sort of music with their feet..."
August 16, 2019:   "To Sleep" "They die so many times before our eyes..."
July 6, 2019:   "Kick in the Jaw" "Sometimes the zebra wins. And the sound..."
June 24, 2019:   "Of Cowardice and Courage" "When Thomas Jefferson made his new book..."
September 26, 2016:   "Vane" "The rusted rooster spins alone these days..."
September 11, 2014:   "God" "Somewhere beneath 125th Street there's a small machine..."
November 11, 2013:   "A Theater Near You" "They say the end is coming, coming soon...."
May 7, 2008:   "Turning Back" "We turn back, always bowing to that urge..."
February 15, 2007:   "Surprising the Gods" "Suppose Eurydice had, running through the evening field..."

Other poems on the web by Dan Albergotti:
"Things to Do in the Belly of the Whale"
"The Beetles"
"Among the Things He Does Not Deserve"
Four poems
"A Poem About Nothing"
Two poems
"Days Spent in One of the Other Worlds"
Two poems
Two Poems
Twenty-one poems
"December 25, 2005"

Dan Albergotti's Website.

Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $14
32 Poems Magazine * Texas Tech University * Lubbock, TX 79409-3091
Editor: George David Clark

Other poems from 32 Poems in Verse Daily:
June 27, 2024:   "Anchorage">" by Wayne Miller
June 26, 2024:   "Where I'd Live">" by Hailey Leithauser
March 16, 2023:   ""From the List of My Fears"" by Robert Wood Lynn
March 15, 2023:   "I Am Neither Surgical" by Hadara Bar-Nadav
March 11, 2023:   "Moon" by Michael Bazzett
October 15, 2022:   "The Cacti" by Michael Lavers
October 13, 2022:   "For E, Who Asks Me How I Loved So Many Before Her" by Rochelle Hurt
October 12, 2022:   "Hunger" by Ruth Awad
October 10, 2022:   "Clit Ode" by January G. O'Neil
March 5, 2022:   "Probably It Will Be Summer Again" by Catherine Pierce
April 29, 2021:   "The Hounds" by Colby Cotton
April 28, 2021:   "Van Gogh" by David Kirby
April 27, 2021:   "In the Head Full of Dead Letters" by Suphil Lee Park
August 31, 2020:   "Later" by Susan Hutton
August 12, 2020:   "Deferred Action" by Lesley Wheeler
August 11, 2020:   "In a Low Voice, Slowly" by Carl Phillips
February 7, 2020:   "The Itch" by Gary McDowell
February 6, 2020:   "Automaton Angels" by Rebecca Morgan Frank
February 5, 2020:   "Soldier Heart" by Beth Gylys
February 4, 2020:   "Entreaty" by Sandra Meek
February 3, 2020:   "The Elect" by Gary McDowell
March 28, 2017:   "Love Poem" by Maggie Smith
September 26, 2016:   "Vane" by Gary McDowell
September 23, 2016:   "Prisoners' Parable of the Flood" by Susannah Nevison
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January 18, 2016:   "Summer" by Randall Mann
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October 16, 2013:   "The Belt" by Noah Kucij
September 12, 2012:   "Passion Flower" by Melissa Apperson
September 11, 2012:   "Wandering Albatross" by Suzanne Zweizig
August 24, 2011:   "Alley" by Jeffery L. Bahr
January 7, 2011:   "Late" by Sidney Wade
January 6, 2011:   "Dictator" by Melissa Stein
February 8, 2010:   "Praise Nothing" by Joshua Robbins
June 25, 2009:   "Bats in the Attic" by Chelsea Rathburn
June 23, 2009:   "Rip Cord" by Jamie Thomas
February 22, 2009:   "Bats in the Attic" by Anthony Walton
February 21, 2009:   "The Pencil" by Billy Collins
April 22, 2007:   "Thin Ice" by Randall Stiffler
November 30, 2005:   "Cod" by David Roderick
May 16, 2005:  "Bird Advice" Jill Alexander Essbaum
May 14, 2005:  "Parting Shot" Brendan O'Connor
May 3, 2005:  "Boat" Carol Frost
February 9, 2005:  "Fabulous Ones" by Jeffrey Thomson
February 8, 2005:  "Ultrasound" by A. E. Stallings
February 7, 2005:  "Year of the Blues" by A. C. Schaffer
June 29, 2004:  "Bonfire" by Julie Funderburk
June 28, 2004:  "Ill-Made Almighty" by Heather McHugh
January 3, 2004:  "Vane Countries" by Geoffrey Brock
December 31, 2003:  "Litany for Treetops" by C. J. Sage
July 15, 2003:  "The Trouble with Being Born" by Christina Davis
July 14, 2003:  "Outer Banks (II)" by Christian Wiman
July 9, 2003:  "Sonnet" by Kimberly Johnson

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