Today's poem is
"Pacific Grove"
from Poetry London
Cathleen Calbert
's writing has appeared in many publications, including Ms. Magazine The New York Times, Paris Review, Plume, and Poetry. She has published four books of poems: Lessons in Space, Bad Judgment, Sleeping with a Famous Poet, and The Afflicted Girls. Her awards include a Pushcart Prize, the Sheila Motton Book Prize, and the Mary Tucker Thorp Professorship at Rhode Island College.
Other poems on the web by Cathleen Calbert:
Two poems
Two poems
"Shut the Fuck Up a Notch"
"In Praise of My Young Husband"
"Woman Without Children"
"Meals Men Have Made Me"
Three poems
Three poems
"Learning Extension"
Two poems
Three poems
Cathleen Calbert's Website.
Cathleen Calbert on Twitter.
About Poetry London:
Subscription: 1yr (3 issues) £21.50
Other poems from Poetry London in Verse Daily:
Poetry London * 1A Jewel Road * LONDON E17 4QU * UK
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