
Today's poem is "Alternate Telling of the Old Year"
from Ardor

Gasher Press

Alyse Knorr is an associate professor of English at Regis University, co-editor of Switchback Books, and co-producer of the Sweetbitter podcast. She is the author of the poetry collections Ardor (2023), a Lambda Literary Award finalist, as well as Mega-City Redux (2017), Copper Mother (2016), and Annotated Glass (2013). She also authored the video game history books GoldenEye (2022) and Super Mario Bros. 3 (2016) and four poetry chapbooks. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The New Republic, POETRY Magazine, Alaska Quarterly Review, Denver Quarterly, and The Georgia Review, among others. She received her MFA from George Mason University.

Other poems by Alyse Knorr in Verse Daily:
January 9, 2024:   "Babel" "There with the infant aspens..."

Other poems on the web by Alyse Knorr:
Three poems
Two poems
Two poems
Three poems
"A Mixing of Metaphors"
Two poems
Five poems
Two poems
Four poems
Three poems

Alyse Knorr's Website.

Alyse Knorr on Twitter.

About Ardor:

"'I was supposed to be wiser,' Alyse Knorr writes in ARDOR, her capacious meditation on lesbian love, marriage, motherhood, domesticity, and vocation. Who hasn't felt the same? In this collection, brimming with deftly rendered landscapes, deep reckoning with our zeitgeist, and rich, literary allusions, Knorr's wisdom is continuously revealed through her speaker's questions. This speaker asks, 'What am I minding but stillness? What have I grown except loss?' She asks, 'When did we last surprise each other, in this yard or any other?' She asks, 'What gained and what risked by changing the terms?' And when she asks, "What delights will transfigure you today?," I answer, This book. It seems impossible to read ARDOR any way but ardently."
—Julie Marie Wade

"Alyse Knorr's ARDOR is without guile. Rarely does one find a poetry of such candor, enthusiasm, and keen compassion. At times funny, at times heartbreaking, the poems remind us that delight, joy, and passion remain ours to claim, to celebrate, even in the face of the dim future we have helped create on this planet. Confronted with the inevitable that at times separates them, the lover and the beloved, the parent and the child, the neighbor and the neighbor, the stranger and the stranger somehow keep and sustain each other. With each book, Alyse Knorr surprises us with a new voice, a new vision, a new possibility for the art of poetry."
—Eric Pankey

"Concerned with naming, at once investigative and celebratory, Alyse Knorr's wonderful fifth collection speaks of queer love and mothering, of a 'world metered in motion, in sound, / constant and enveloping.' Whether the speaker is listening to the archives, debating Elizabeth Bishop's poetry, or charting a personal epistemology of the closet, Knorr's eye is tender, her voice generous."
—Siwar Masannat

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