
Today's poem is "Polite Society"

from Twelve Mile Review

Al Maginnes published ten full length collections and four chapbooks of poetry, most recently Fellow Survivors: New and Selected Poems (Redhawk Publications, 2023). New poems and reviews appear in Off Course, Cimmaron Review, Arkansas Review and many others. He is retired from teaching and lives in Raleigh NC.

Other poems by Al Maginnes in Verse Daily:
July 4, 2022:   "Iggy Pop Died For Our Sins" "Or so Sid Vicious believed when he said..."
May 14, 2022:   "Outlaw Resurrection" "Banks aren't what they used to be. And trains..."
May 15, 2017:   "The Gospel of Leaving" "Before we knew the world, we wanted to know the limits..."
March 17, 2012:   "The Edge of the Field" "It was not so hard believing in the end..."
September 24, 2008:   "My Lives" "In one I was a dog, reason enough..."
November 13, 2005:   "Toolshed" " Given enough space, each man believes..."

Other poems on the web by Al Maginnes:
"The Body’s Cartographer"
"Suite for Small Gods"
"Lydia Loveless's X"
Five poems
"Light Pollution"
Four poems
"Against Relapse"
"Landscape Rising from Solitude"
"Electricity: A Requiem"
"Shooting Pool in the Mental Hospital"
Six poems
Two poems
"The Moon as Absence and Desire"
"The End of Labor"

About Twelve Mile Review:

Subscription: 1 issue, $14
Twelve Mile Review
Editors: Robert Lee Kendrick * Adam Houle
Other poems by Twelve Mile Review in Verse Daily:
August 17, 2024:   "Blazon" by Jack Kristiansen
August 16, 2024:   "Fire Bug" by Jane Rosenberg LaForge
January 15, 2023:   "Saved" by Bonnie Proudfoot
January 13, 2023:   "Self-portrait After Memory" by Marjorie Maddox
March 26, 2022:   "Burial of a Woman With the Blackened Shells of 86 Tortoises" by Wendy Drexler
March 25, 2022:   "Gnomon" by Erin Wilson
November 2, 2021:   "A Song of My People" by Jeff Hardin
October 28, 2021:   "Trust" by Marjorie Maddox

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