Today's poem is by Mary Margaret Alvarado
7 May 2021
Nationalism was the old religion and moralism is
the new religion? Or: is there a relationship between moralism
and morality? I stay up late reading about the cult
K. was raised in. Why are so many cults
preoccupied with women's hair? I need to chop mine
off again. The baby asks to wear a mask while taking a bath.
My boss says: If we're going to have lunches can they all be
single serving? The chaplain says: The male-identified
bathrooms are here; the female-identified here; the gender neutral
there. If you sit anywhere put a piece of paper there.
All the pews are roped off, but we've spaced out a few chairs.
I am my own witch when it comes to these melatonin gummies
which are soft and purple like the night.
Copyright © 2024 Mary Margaret Alvarado All rights reserved
from Chrome of Iris
Burnside Review Press
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