Today's poem is by Esther Ra
self-portrait as a child in america
you wash your hands slowly, in daydream and water.
*pop* you barely exist. look around, Esther. you're here
it was so easy then to be friends with white children as well as with
your favorite teacher was a white man who laughed like the sun
bombs as soap bubbles, red meaning eat. clean water
lost in the clouds ((of soapfoam)). *pop* The class waits
in a line behind you, as you liquid again & again.
as if to peel off your own skin. as if absolution
can wait. you still see time as endless.
& you don't have a clue. but the miracles. like the berries
you picked from the chain-link fence [a steel necklace around
your school's throat]. they were bright. & hard. & ruby
as blood. you peeled off their skin to eat:
[people of color]. did you know you were person of color? because
by white you meant clouds, by brown you meant earth
by yellow sugared lemon & sun
in simplicity, splendor. he said, Esther, you'd keep reading
if a bomb dropped beside you. & you carried those words
all your life. you said, yes I would. *pop* I would try. you say,
if a bomb dropped beside me, I would pick up the wreckage,
reread it against endless time,
as hope & right here.
Copyright © 2023 Esther Ra All rights reserved
from A Glossary of Light & Shadow
Diode Editions
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