
Today's poem is "Man Paddling Canoe with Dog"
from This Far North

Black Lawrence Press

Jason Tandon is the author of five books of poetry, including This Far North (Black Lawrence Press, 2023) and The Actual World (Black Lawrence Press, 2019). His poems have appeared in Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, The Southern Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Alaska Quarterly Review, and elsewhere. He is a master lecturer in the Arts & Sciences Writing Program at Boston University.

Other poems by Jason Tandon in Verse Daily:
October 29, 2019:   "Morning Commute" font size=-1>"We rise in darkness..."

April 18, 2014:   "Reception" "The moon like a sickle's blade..."
February 12, 2010:   "Grace" "Beneath a sapling cypress, Buddha floats..."
December 3, 2008:   "A World of Rights and Wrongs" "Afraid of white lies..."

Books by Jason Tandon:

Other poems on the web by Jason Tandon:
"It Was Yesterday"
Four poems
"Breakfast in My Twenties"
Two poems

Jason Tandon's Website.

Jason Tandon on Twitter.

About This Far North:

"Jason Tandon is a minimalist, a poet who manages stunning effects using the fewest possible elements of his medium. I am reminded of Uta Barth, who says her photographs 'talk about the passage of time while looking at things that don't change that much at all.' That moment of change is what shines in these poems, focused, refined, and magnified as it is by a lens of Tandon's flawless language. The intelligence in these poems is razor-sharp, lean, and efficient; the kind spirit behind them is generous and immense."
—Eric Pankey

"In a world of distraction, Jason Tandon's This Far North sings: be here now. Tandon is a master at collecting the overlooked splendor of the daily world and turning the common into the complex. Each poem is a delight—profound and precise, image-rich and mindful. The gift of this book is how the lyrical and timeless intertwine, and we are lost in this stunning space Tandon has created. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to fall in love with poetry again."
—Kelli Russell Agodon

"Every poem in This Far North seizes a glimpse and expands it into a jolting, sweeping panorama. I finished reading this book feeling, as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said, that 'We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.'"
—John Skoyles

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