Today's poem is "[Please, don't appropriate]"
from Our Echo of Sudden Mercy
Hari Alluri
(he/him/siya) is author of The Flayed City (Kaya) and chapbooks The Promise of Rust (Mouthfeel) and Our Echo of Sudden Mercy (Next Page). He is co-editor of We Were Not Alone (Community Building Art Works) and co-founding editor at Locked Horn Press. Recipient of the Vera Manuel Award for Poetry, his work appears in Best of the Net 2022 (via Split This Rock), Apogee, Four Way Review, MarĂas at Sampaguitas, Poetry, and elsewhere.
Other poems by Hari Alluri in Verse Daily:
Books by Hari Alluri:
Other poems on the web by Hari Alluri:
Hari Alluri's Website.
Hari Alluri on Twitter.
About Our Echo of Sudden Mercy:
"The magic in Our Echo of Sudden Mercy is the sublime ordinary: coffee grounds on bare heels, a lover's touch, the sharp loss of a wondrous friend, the tension and blessings and lessons of responsibility to self and responsibility to others. A radical ode to life worth living. Hari Alluri shines in these pages with his sheer, unbridled obligation to muddy joy, his presence on the page, and in this life."
"Our Echo of Sudden Mercy is a clarion call, the fire this time, grandma's hands, cool water, the extended play version, a gift, a deep sigh, a murmuring embrace. This brilliant ember, may it catch a fire in the minds, hearts and hands of many a reader."
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