
Today's poem is "We Are Not Gods"
from Holy Sparks

Paraclete Press

Diana Woodcock's fourth poetry collection, Facing Aridity, was published in 2021 as the 2020 Prism Prize for Climate Literature finalist. Forthcoming in 2023 is Holy Sparks (2020 Paraclete Press Poetry Award finalist). Recipient of the 2011 Vernice Quebodeaux Pathways Poetry Prize for Women for Swaying on the Elephant's Shoulders, her work appears in Best New Poets 2008 and has been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. Currently teaching at VCUarts Qatar, she holds a PhD in Creative Writing from Lancaster University, where her research was an inquiry into poetry's role in the search for an environmental ethic.

Books by Diana Woodcock:

Other poems on the web by Diana Woodcock:
Two poems
Three poems
Five poems
Three poems
Six poems

About Holy Sparks:

"Orbiting our attention from Collared doves to the prophet Mohammad, and from communion wafers to Crab-plovers, Woodcock writes with a fiercely probing grace that affirms the genuine connections between the ecological and the spiritual. While asking often unanswerable questions, this collections shifts between the lightness of being and the 'still point of darkness' with precision and patience. This book is a deeply necessary addition to the ecopoetic landscape."
—Katy Abrams

"Whatever underlies humanity's unique responsibility for creation—and we might be nuanced about that—the world is replete with wonders to behold and to protect, as we see in Diane Woodcock's markedly detailed eco-encompassing collection Holy Sparks. At times cataclysmic, yet valiantly hopeful, the poems are an urgent call to revere our God-given, God-infused yet oft-ravaged world. In language that is both tender and terrifying, Woodcock compels us into contemplation, ever insisting on the value of less over more, stillness over motion, generosity over grasp. In the darkest hour of our over-indulgence, the poet reminds us, to 'make time and space / . . . / for mercy and grace.' And lastly, at the book's closing, we read: 'This is about. . . /doing the noble / liberating thing when / the moment arrives.' For Woodcock, that long-overdue moment for self-emptying veneration has come; it is our cliff-hanging present."
—Sofia M. Starnes

"Nothing escapes exploitation in this world. No matter how much we speak up, it continues. In Holy Sparks, Woodcock draws our attention to the destruction. She points out, in the scope of things, why we are here. 'But I am torn, sworn / to do my part though my heart / is broken—all natural entities / suffering.' Isn't it time we take the world back to what it once was? End these atrocities of nature and people? These poems are a powerful reminder of our changing world and what we are facing. Questions are asked, but the answers would require change. It is evident how important this book is."
—Gloria Mindock

"These are poems that are luminous in seeing, and seeking, 'a miracle here,/ a miracle there,' refusing at the same time to look away from—or ignore—the shadowed violence that we, as a species, perpetrate toward the creatures who share this earthly home with us. They remind us, with a prophet's fierce eye, that we belong to each other, that we hold our vulnerabilities in common since our fates are inextricably bound together. They also invite us, again and again, to 'keep all day before [us]/ the leitmotif of the unflinching/ faithful believer bowing to the infinite/ Maker and Keeper.' With this new collection, Diane Woodcock establishes herself as one of the voices our culture desperately needs—if we are to treasure the radiant if also fragile beauty that saturates this world, and measure what it might require of us to enter into living dialogue with all this. Only on this path of deep listening and attentive surrendering, she reminds us, will we find the courage to 'elude the deathly solitude,/ false images and disembodied/ of these times,/ instigating hope/ by writing the existent—/ my final act of resistance.' Despite the often gentle tone of these radiant poems, this is a manifesto calling us to live responsibly, and, while we do, learn to 'pray for a new day when we'll all be worthy/ of being created free.'"
—Mark S. Burrows

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