
Today's poem is by Michael Waters

One Caw

Against the snow they're silhouettes,
These crows, how many hundreds
Burdening branches, these
Kindergarten cut-outs, these
Rorschach blots, sloppy calligraphy,
Or jagged wounds, the sky torn,
But not political, if that's possible.
Then a blast scatters the murder
& any direction they flee is wrong.
Smoke on the hillside. The soldier
Stares, rifle tensed on one shoulder.
He's looking me over, wondering who I am.
I've seen this scene in films, Russian novels,
Old Master oils, Pathé newsreels.
Or on CNN—smoke in the city,
Schoolchildren scattered among rubble—
If that's possible—or blue sky, shade trees,
Suburban sprawl. The police car stops.
The boy stares. How many hundreds.
One caw, then silence.
Something horrible about to happen.

Copyright © 2022 Michael Waters All rights reserved
from Stronger Than Fear (edited by Carol Alexander & Stephen Massimilla)
Cave Moon Press
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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