
Today's poem is by Rage Hezekiah

Married Sex

Do you want to have sex?
you ask when we're
clean & awake, the way
we always fuck these days,
so distant from our quick
& dirty twenties. In our early
start, we led each other
by the hand to some dark space—
a pottery studio floor
the morning after
Meg & Rob's wedding,
on our backs exposed
under a super moon
in Boston Common. Now,
we schedule, which my therapist
says is normal. We read
self-help books: Take Sexy Back
& Come as You Are—

we take long baths & talk about
our sexual connection. But
sometimes, it's spontaneous—
like Christmas, on our kitchen island,
just before we FaceTimed your parents.
Months into quarantine, I fingered
you from behind in our walk-in
closet, while you bent to put on
your socks. We are young enough,
our bodies alert. Yes please,
I want to have sex. Let's
mark the calendar. Let's shower.

Copyright © 2022 Rage Hezekiah All rights reserved
from River Styx
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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