Today's poem is by Nancy Eimers
Four Mannequins with Suitcases, Dressed for Success
I understand raindrops
but I don't understand the uncanny valley,
at night and is not afraid.
and I'm hearing affection not unlike
something important by instinct;
in travelwear, each figure's attitude
Suggests . . . then words too small
that bright alert urbanity
haunches and torsos, tops of heads,
they are being filmed. A gentle roar
instead of gentle doesn't get us
it will happen again.
instinct, a "prompting,"
an end to come, not even lightly.
can distort the song of birds
so we may not know which direction
the song is coming from,
the changeless faces of mannequins
or the factory owner who says
she walks among their bodies
Can they even be said
to have bodies? Made
with care, she says, made individually
how birds in cages begin to sing
when the shower comes on.
Whatever they hear must resemble
bodies, yes, in the sense of giving
form to what was once
abstract. For instance, four mannequins
an ode to patience, same as wasted
time, same timetable to read, same train
about to comethe window sign Vogue
to read without a telescope.
This might have mattered,
what we wore on earth, faces they wore,
makes out of poise
and why we wanted them
that way. The factory workers are sanding
anywhere a mannequin gets round
and the workers seem to do this respectfully,
I swear. Of course they know
is how I do not want
to describe the sound of falling water
heard at a distance. Dull
any closer in a shopping mall
to why the mannequins all are headless now;
headless has happened before,
We are passing through
yet another definition of apperception
I do not quite understand,
maybe why the heart recoils at what
resembles such composurebright faces,
pointless gesturesnever to suppose
Copyright © 2022 Nancy Eimers All rights reserved
from Human Figures
New Michigan Press
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