
Today's poem is "Married Sex"

from River Styx

Rage Hezekiah is a Cave Canem, Ragdale, and MacDowell Fellow who earned her MFA from Emerson College. She is a recipient of the Saint Botolph Emerging Artist Award and she serves as Interviews Editor at The Common. Her new collection, Yearn, is a 2021 Diode Editions Book Contest winner. She is the author of Unslakable (Paper Nautilus Press, 2019) and Stray Harbor (Finishing Line Press, 2019). Rage's poems have appeared in the Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day, The Cincinnati Review, The Colorado Review, and many other journals and anthologies.

Books by Rage Hezekiah:

Other poems on the web by Rage Hezekiah:
"On Anger"
Two poems
"Northern California"
"Seeing My Father's Penis"
"Cento for Longing"
"Mirabella Pool"
"Life Science"
"My wife was right"

Rage Hezekiah's Website.

About River Styx:

Subscription: 1 year (3 issues), $20
River Styx * 634 North Grand * Twelfth Floor * St. Louis, MO 63103
Editor: Richard Newman

Other poems from River Styx in Verse Daily:
November 18, 2022:   "The Vault" by Dan Albergotti
November 17, 2022:   "Family Projects" by John Gallaher
November 16, 2022:   "Isolating" by Anne Champion
November 15, 2022:   "Seeing Those Damn Greasy" by Benjamin S. Grossberg
April 22, 2021:   "Snow Burial" by Bruce Bond
April 21, 2021:   "Great Blue Heron" by Jehanne Dubrow
February 21, 2020:   "Home Movies" by Emma Bolden
February 20, 2020:   "Visitant" by Robert Wrigley
November 17, 2013:   "One Hundredth Anniversary Edition of 'Birches'" by Richard Cecil
November 16, 2013:   "Bon Fire" by Chris Mattingly
July 5, 2013:   "Song of the Jellyfish" by Lee Upton
August 11, 2010:   "Stone Seeking Warmth" by Stephen Dunn
August 9, 2010:   "Puffer Fish" by Charles Harper Webb
July 2, 2009:   "How to Sleep" by Dorianne Laux
August 2, 2008:   "Sunset Knoll" by George Bilgere
July 7, 2007:   "G Is for Not Just One George" by Mary Jo Bang
January 7, 2007:   "To My Son In Iraq" by Frances Richey
January 3, 2007:   "God's Ode to Creation" by Maura Stanton
July 23, 2006:   "The Devil's Trill" by Timothy Liu
July 18, 2006:   "The Fern Seed" by Cecily Parks
January 25, 2006:   "Single-Lens Reflex" by Debra Kang Dean
January 12, 2006:   "Becoming Involved" by Elizabeth Rees
June 2, 2005:  "Eighty From Seventy-Eight" by William Gass
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May 30, 2005:  "Chum" Lucia Perillo
July 2, 2004:  "In Ambient Light" by Greg Rappleye
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March 6, 2003:  "A Leopard Hanging in a Tree" by Eric Rawson
March 3, 2003:  "Waiting With a Stranger" by David Simpson
February 25, 2003:  "Fame and Fortune Cookie" by Richard Cecil
December 6, 2002:  Small Ghost Poem by Lawrence Raab
December 4, 2002:  Bride by Jeanne Marie Beaumont
September 16, 2002:  "Advertisement for the Ford Explorer" by David Roderick
July 27, 2002:  "Heroic Roses" by Elton Glaser

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