Today's poem is
"What I Believe"
from Copper Nickel
Paul Guest
is the author of four collections of poetry, most recently Because Everything Is Terrible, and a memoir, One More Theory About Happiness. His writing has appeared in American Poetry Review, Poetry, The Paris Review, Tin House, Slate, New England Review, The Southern Review, The Kenyon Review, Western Humanities, Review, Ploughshares, and numerous other publications. A Guggenheim Fellow and Whiting Award winner, he lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Other poems by Paul Guest in Verse Daily:
February 1, 2022: "Directions" "It's only three o'clock and I think..."
June 24, 2021: "Poem for Tucker Carlson's Face" "So nothing anymore makes sense..."
January 15, 2021: "Presumptive Elegy for Ken" "Your whole name I've forgotten and face..."
July 16, 2018: "Inaugural Poem" "America, I haven't slept..."
April 28, 2008: "Preemptive Elegy" "Another future I don't want to believe in..."
September 11, 2007: "Poem for the National Hobo Association Poetry Contest" " I will not be there with you but think..."
July 17, 2007: "Seduction With Entropy" " If you think I'm honest, speak to me..."
May 23, 2007: "My Nightmare" " My nightmare isn't falling or even falling..."
December 23, 2006: "Questions for Silence" " In its first thin tide. In the place..."
October 18, 2006: "The God of Neglect, Overheard" " O hearts fat with custard, and sweet..."
March 24, 2006: "The Numbers are Not In" " The world is filled with those who want..."
May 12, 2003: "Apogean" "All this floating is ridiculous, and the stars..."
April 10, 2003: "The Flesh" "Walking to get medicine / for a pet, I am tempted..."
February 13, 2003: "The Advent of Zero" "I know that someday you will tire of everything..."
August 15, 2002: "The Last Words of Alice the Goon" "Understand me now: the light is lace..."
Books by Paul Guest:
Other poems on the web by Paul Guest:
"Theories of Revenge"
"On Being Asked What I Am Tired Of"
"Failed Attempts at Explanation"
Four poems
"Awkward Conversations About Desire And Other Nightmares"
"Poem at Altitude"
Two poems
Five poems
Two poems
Ten poems
"Donald Duck's Lament"
"I Know"
Paul Guest According to Wikipedia.
Paul Guest on Twitter.
About Copper Nickel:
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Cutbank *
College of Liberal Arts *
8600 University Boulevard *
Evansville, Indiana 47712
Poetry Editors
Lauren de Paepe *
Kate Di Nitto *
Khaty Xiong
Other poems by Cutbank in Verse Daily:
October 9, 2019: "Near Misses" by Alysse McCanna
October 8, 2019: "Bitter Candytuft" by Danielle Shuster
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July 19, 2019: "Olivine" Virginia Smith Rice
August 15, 2017: "American Quartet" by Abby Minor
March 9, 2015: "Suddenly a Wayward to Thinking Words" by Jake Syersak
March 6, 2015: "Escaped Housewife Gives Three Good Reasons for Taking Up the Bagpipes" by Karen Craigo
November 19, 2014: "Elegy in which a Bird Appears" by Jody Rambo
November 17, 2014: "Iithey" by David Tomas Martinez
May 7, 2014: "Repent" by Gary L. McDowell
April 29, 2014: "[While IBreathless...]" by Rebecca Aronson
October 26, 2013: Two Poems by Abraham Smith
October 21, 2013: "Neolithic Revolution" by Ali Shapiro
July 11, 2013: "Karaoke" by Brandon Kreitler
July 10, 2013: "Oquossoc" by Sara Gelston
February 25, 2013: "Hearing is a Talent That Must be Honed" by Brianna Noll
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