Today's poem is
"Family Projects"
from River Styx
John Gallaher
's forthcoming book is My Life in Brutalist Architecture (Four Way Books 2024). He lives in northwest Missouri and co-edits the Laurel Review.
Other poems by John Gallaher in Verse Daily:
Books by John Gallaher:
Other poems on the web by John Gallaher:
John Gallaher on Twitter.
About River Styx:
October 16, 2020: "For the King of Nothing Left" "There's this version of Hell I learned as a kid..."
September 27, 2016: "The Museum of the Occupation" (with Kristina Marie Darling) "So, of course, you have to go in...."
February 19, 2015: "In a Landscape: XIII" "How many people haven't you married, that you thought..."
March 13, 2014: "In a Landscape: LIV" "Where's the line between what constitutes repetition..."
December 4, 2013: "In a Landscape: XXXIV" "If things contain their opposites, why bother? That suffices, I guess..."
July 12, 2012: "In a Landscape: XLI" "If only you could burn memories in a little pile..."
May 17, 2012: "Revelation in Slow Time" (with G.C. Waldrep) "Here, where no one is in a hurry..."
May 9, 2012: "Rose as Red" (with G.C. Waldrep) "It's still not good enough. And you were always told..."
December 22, 2011: "Where They Feed Their Children to Kings" "The best idea I ever had..."
September 4, 2011: "The Bridge at Rest" (with G.C. Waldrep) "The bridge is dreaming again...."
July 6, 2009: "The House Rhapsody" "For the difficulty of dinner tables..."
May 7, 2009: "Duly Noted" "Every now and then you've simply got to empty it all out..."
January 23, 2009: "What We're up Against" "On the way home from the funeral..."
June 8, 2007: "Earth-tone Anecdote" " They are speaking in the other room..."
May 12, 2007: "When I Say World I Mean Please" " We begin somewhat after the beginning, in..."
January 4, 2007: "A Guess Is Spiritual Then, & Will Try to Help You" " Two pregnant women are walking together under the portico...."
June 10, 2006: "Anecdote of the Field" " The children are running across the field, each..."
"Division (Architecture 5)"
Four poems
Four poems
Three poems
"In the Style of Our Adornments"
Two poems
Four poems
Two poems
Three poems
Three poems
Subscription: 1 year (3 issues), $20
Other poems from River Styx in Verse Daily:
Copyright © 2002-2022 Verse Daily All Rights Reserved
River Styx * 634 North Grand * Twelfth Floor * St. Louis, MO 63103
Editor: Richard Newman
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September 16, 2002: "Advertisement for the Ford Explorer" by David Roderick
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