Today's poem is
"What We See Again Comes to Us in Secret"
from Redactions
Elizabeth Rees
is the author of Every Root a Branch and four chapbooks. Her poems have appeared in Agni, The Southern Review, Partisan Review, and Kenyon Review, among many other journals. She has taught at many universities, as well as at The Writer's Center in Bethesda, MD. In addition to teaching privately, she has also worked as a poet-in-the-schools for the Maryland State Arts Council since 1994.
Other poems by Elizabeth Rees in Verse Daily:
Books by Elizabeth Rees:
Other poems on the web by Elizabeth Rees:
About Redactions:
May 27, 2009: "Dig" "The prospector hollered Go! and we raised our shovels..."
January 12, 2006: "Becoming Involved" " In Golden Gate Park / a woman lies down with a goose...."
July 4, 2004: "Morning Drive to Ijamsville" "Against overturned cups of rain..."
"Scorched Earth"
"What It Takes"
"Filling the Nest"
"Woods Pound, Blue Hill"
"After Apollinaire"
Subscription: 1 year, $8
Other poems from Redactions in Verse Daily:
Copyright © 2002-2022 Verse Daily All Rights Reserved
Redactions: Poetry & Poetics * 58 South Main Street *
Third Floor *
Brockport, NY 14420
Editors: Tom Holmes
August 21, 2022: "When I Try to Write an Elegy" by Jeannine Hall Gailey
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December 29, 2005: "Gray Gone Missing" by Michael Robins
December 26, 2005: "Ponderous Borer" by Linda Cooper
December 25, 2005: "Prayer" by Susan Denning
December 20, 2005: "Fiber Optics" by John Whalen
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