
Today's poem is "My Mother the Lunch Lady"
from Daughters of Harriet

The Center for Literary Publishing

Cynthia Parker-Ohene is a three-time Pushcart nominee, abolitionist, cultural worker, and therapist. She is an MFA graduate in Creative Writing at Saint Mary's College of California, and the Chester Aaron Scholar for Excellence in Creative Writing. She is a winner of the San Francisco Foundation/Nomadic Press Poetry Prize. Her recent work has appeared in Poetry Daily, Verse Daily. The Rumpus, Black Warrior Review, Bellevue Literary Review, Kweli, and Green Mountains Review, West Branch among others. She has received fellowships and support from Tin House, Callaloo, Juniper, and elsewhere, as well as work in the anthologies, Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature, and The Ringing Ear: Black Poets Lean South. She is also a Poetry Reader for The Adroit Journal. Her book Daughters of Harriet is published by The Center for Literary Publishing, Colorado State University.

Other poems by Cynthia Parker-Ohene in Verse Daily:
February 25, 2021:   "Then I Will Speak On The Ashes" "This is a story about borders and migrations..."

Books by Cynthia Parker-Ohene:

Other poems on the web by Cynthia Parker-Ohene:
Three poems
"potters' field"
"from Drapetomania"
Four poems

Cynthia Parker-Ohene's Website.

Cynthia Parker-Ohene on Twitter.

About Daughters of Harriet:

"In poems full of oracular fire, Cynthia Parker-Ohene proclaims the beauty of Black life across complex terrains of time and space. These intimate, yet wide-ranging lyrics move with virtuosity from the remembered 'sheen of buttercups' in a beloved grandparent's garden to the 'disturbed wavelets' of the Middle Passage still resonating, as collective memory, in the Black body. Daughters of Harriet is a work of deep remembrance and song-craft, drawing innovative poetic language from the luminous, multidimensional network of Black consciousness. Richly textured and keenly observed, these are poems to keep close."
—Kiki Petrosino

"These poems sing in the key of Harriet, an aria for all of us—daughters and mothers—both ancestral and contemporary. Daughters of Harriet is a book that balances our collective mothers' legacies—joy, trauma, history, and emotional landscape at once. The Black South comes alive and is shone new in these poems—our grandmothers' very existence shimmers; their bodies held up in sacred homage in the sure hands of Cynthia Parker-Ohene. These poems are bright and stunning and allow us to see and touch and be touched and remember."
—Crystal Wilkinson

"With a messianic gift for image and history, Cynthia Parker-Ohene is a once-in-three-generations mind on the page. Virtuosic images and living histories bearing down on your pulse, expanding the potentials of your consciousness. I cannot imagine a future without the canonization of these poems. Beyond the altitudes of accolade, Cynthia Parker-Ohene is on track to become the most important writer in your life."
—Tongo Eisen-Martin

"Daughters of Harriet captures the ongoing traumas of Black life in the aftermath of slavery, Jim Crow, and the racial injustice foundational to the experience of Black Americans—the 'collateral of skin.' Here, too, is the Black legacy of dogged resilience in the face of struggle, our unwavering determination to persist. How we go on, how we must, how we be and be, despite: here is all of it, given unflinching. Here is history and its pocketful of receipts."
—Lauren K. Alleyne

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