Today's poem is
"Ars Poetica"
from The Louisville Review
Christopher Buckley's recent books are The Pre-Eternity of the World, Stephen F. Austin State Univ. Press 2021, and The Consolations of Science & Philosophy due from Lynx House Press 2022. He has recently edited: The Long Embrace: Contemporary Poets on the Long Poems of Philip Levine, Lynx House Press, 2020; and NAMING THE LOST: THE FRESNO POETS—Interviews & Essays, Stephen F. Austin State Univ. Press, 2021.Other poems by Christopher Buckley in Verse Daily:
November 19, 2008: "Guess Work" "A poet is as old as what he sees..."
July 25, 2002: "Keeping My Own Company" "After all, the afternoons are off gossiping among the pines..."Books by Christopher Buckley:
Other poems on the web by Christopher Buckley:
Twenty-one poems
Three poems
Two poems
Two poems
"Confusion at Evening—Santa Barbara Harbor"
"Note to Gerald Stern Too Long for the Post Card"
"Late Summer Metaphysics"
"Juhan W Niebie"Christopher Buckley's Website.
About The Louisville Review:
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $14
851 South Fourth Street *
Louisville, KY 40203
Poetry Editor: Wanda Fries * Maureen Morehead * Alan J. Naslund
Other poems from The Louisville Review in Verse Daily:
August 25, 2021: "The Papers of Bull Connor" by Elizabeth Hughey
May 7, 2021: "Fifty" by Tom Hunley
May 6, 2021: "Sometimes late at night" by Peter Grandbois
May 4, 2021: "A Softer Kind of Drowning" by Taylor Zhang
January 9, 2020: "Homunculus" by Mark Neely
April 25, 2019: "Gliding" "My father was suspicious..."
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