Today's poem is "Portrait in Burnt Orange and Bitter Almonds"
from Prometeo
C. Dale Young
is the author of a novel and five collections of poetry, the most recent being Prometeo (Four Way Books 2021). He practices medicine full-time and teaches inthe Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers. He lives in San Francisco.
Other poems by C. Dale Young in Verse Daily:
Books by C. Dale Young:
Other poems on the web by C. Dale Young:
C. Dale Young's Website.
About Prometeo:
"Prometeo operates as an opera of poems, singing of our ongoing struggle both with those we love and with the struggle to find love from within for ourselves. C. Dale Young writes with the unvarnished voice we use when we speak freely to those we trust. Not only from its candor but also from its music, a truth springs from these pages that will catch you off guard. In a world filled with platitudes,I'm grateful for these poems, which hold no small talk. It's rare these days that I'm moved to tears while reading a collection of poems; a part of me often feels like I've heard it all before, but these poems broke me down. "
"Heartbreaking and beautiful is Prometeo, a book so eloquent the heart stops but refuses to stop reading. These are glorious poems in memoriam for friends, family members, patients. 'I have written too many elegies,' the poet says, 'the living have become jealous of the amount I have written for the dead.' Indeed, fellow poets must be jealous of this book's fearless spirit, of its music. I have been reading these poems of sorrow and eloquence non-stop for days now. Their lyric impulse is inimitable."
"At once concerned with personal and generational history, Prometeo is a book of gorgeously-wrought poems that unveils deeply human truths. Young's unparalleled gifts for formal constraints and sound-driven language remind us that beauty is found in all things and that despite the wounds, language can serve as a lighthouse guiding us, again and again, back to love."
May 7, 2007: "Infidelity" " The sun hovering a mile above the edge..."
April 12, 2004: "The Tree Frog" "It is not the chambers of the heart that hold him..."
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