Today's poem is by Rick Snyder
Sisyphus #49
Where does he find the strength
seeing the same strange faces
in the rearview mirror
calling streets
shifting gears
before and after
stop signs
bus stops
his barnacle-covered bus absorbing
and disgorging
seeing himself
unsmeared by the wipers' tictic
past flat-roofed houses
past a BAR
with a red arrow
that blinks
like a bird
pecking at a seed
past a department store
monolithic and closed
black windows
yellow bricks
where the letters used to be
driving 16 miles directly south
16 miles directly back
finding the strength
to mistake
someone else
for his ex-wife
navigating headlights and red lights
the streetlights
that don't converge
resisting the urge of a black window
pulling him in
forming trash
that swirls in his wake
a new and improved department store
miles to the west
a safer place
where no buses run all night
no one watches
a stranger's hands
in the rearview mirror
no one
shifts gears to infinity
hits potholes to stay awake
Copyright © 2021 Rick Snyder All rights reserved
from Here City
Parlor Press
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