
Today's poem is "Ghost Animals"
from Wave If You Can See Me

Red Hen Press

Susan Ludvigson has published ten collections of poems, most with LSU Press. She has received Guggenheim, Rockefeller, NEA, Fulbright, and Witter-Bynner fellowships as well as North and South Carolina Fellowships. She represented the US at writers' meetings in Belgium, Canada, France, and the former Yugoslavia. Journal publications include the Atlantic Monthly, the Nation, Poetry, Georgia Review, Gettysburg Review, and Five Points. Now Professor Emerita at Winthrop University, she also served as poet-in-residence at the University of South Carolina and Appalachian State University. The Library of Congress recorded a reading of her poems in 1995. She is the former director of the Lena Miles-Wever Todd Poetry series. Ludvigson lives in Rock Hill, South Carolina.

Books by Susan Ludvigson:

Other poems on the web by Susan Ludvigson:
Ten poems
Three poems
Seventeen poems
Two poems

About Wave If You Can See Me:

"Here, Susan Ludvigson considers the loss of a husband against intricate, often dreamlike landscapes where cockatiels multiply magically in their cages, remembered foreign cities become ominous and strange, and the deceased unfolds into the present, tangible and real. These plainspoken poems conceal enormous complexities of emotion and thought--mournful, hopeful, present to the inevitability of loss and the fact of time. I have long admired Susan Ludvigson's poetry, and this is her most moving book yet, one I know I'll return to gladly."
—Kevin Prufer

"Susan Ludvigson's gleaming poems--poems about the slow death of her husband Scot Ely--speak to us in a voice of such hushed intimacy, we'd follow her anywhere--into her back garden with its roses and feathery pecan trees, into her dining room of birds and bougainvilleas, even into those darker or unconscious spaces where trouble mounts, "where everything solid turns liquid," and nothing is as it should be. These are poems I cannot do without."
—Dannye Powell

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