
Today's poem is "Refugee Heart"
from The Full Moon Herald

Grayson Books

Phyllis Klein works as a psychotherapist specializing in trauma and a Certified Poetry Therapist. She has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 30 years. Her work has appeared or will appear in many literary journals. She was a finalist in the Sweet Poetry Contest (2017) , the Carolyn Forché Humanitarian Poetry Contest (2019), and The Fischer Prize, (2019) and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize (2018). She sees writing as artistic dialogue between author and readers—an intimate relationship-building process that fosters healing on many levels. Writing about the news is her way of taking action to counter feelings of overwhelm and loss.

Books by Phyllis Klein:

Other poems on the web by Phyllis Klein:
Two poems
"Snow Drifts Through the Living Room"
"The Way To Be Forgiven"
"Front Doors"
"Life is Glass"
Two poems

Phyllis Klein's Website.

Phyllis Klein on Twitter.

About The Full Moon Herald:

"Phyllis Klein is a poet of great courage. She brings us what Ezra Pound called poetry: 'the news that stays news.' Her determination to see and name what we are afraid to face powers the headlines of this startling debut collection."
—Jack Ridl

"Phyllis Klein's remarkable poems make hidden wounds visible as she digs into the Breaking News. Entering this world, you breathe in the fresh air of honesty. You fume, you weep with her along the treacherous paths she travels, to finally understand we are 'relatives in the fields of trees, beauty, and devastation we call home.' Such good news."
—Perie Longo

"The Full Moon Herald is Phyllis Klein's golden pass key. It swings open the doors of contemporary American poetry and shouts: 'Extra! Read all about it!'"
—Paul Fericano

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