Today's poem is "Snow"
from Fingerspell
Lindsay Illich
is a professor of writing at Curry College in Milton, Massachusetts, where she also directs the Writing Program. Her books include Fingerspell (Black Lawrence, 2020), Rile & Heave (Texas Review Press, 2017), and Heteroglossia (Anchor & Plume 2016). She also co-authored Teach Living Poets (NCTE, 2021) with Melissa Smith.
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Books by Lindsay Illich:
Other poems on the web by Lindsay Illich:
Lindsay Illich's Website.
Lindsay Illich on Twitter.
About Fingerspell:
"Lindsay Illich's Fingerspell is not only a book of elegy, motherhood, and eros; it's also a book of astonishing, idiosyncratic seeingin which knee caps are like 'stone fruit,' the city of Washington DC represents 'the remains of an idea,' grief is an accumulation of snow 'into which / the heart sinks,' the act of waiting is 'a splint // my body's wrapped against,' and the sound of a running vacuum is evidence of love. I'm deeply moved by so many of these poemsby their articulations of loss and love, certainly, but also by their visionary hopefulness. 'We are,' Illich tells us, 'water / pouring through letters,' and an eclipse, she reminds us, has the power to lift us above our societal fury'if only momentarily.'"
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