
Today's poem is "Reintroducing the Wolf"
from Wind Apples

Terrapin Books

Jeff Ewing is the author of the poetry collection "Wind Apples" from Terrapin Books, and the short story collection "The Middle Ground," published by Into the Void Press. His poetry, fiction, and essays have appeared in Crazyhorse, Southwest Review, ZYZZYVA, Willow Springs, Subtropics, Utne Reader, and Cherry Tree. He lives in Sacramento, California.

Other poems by Jeff Ewing in Verse Daily:

Books by Jeff Ewing:

Other poems on the web by Jeff Ewing:
Two poems
"A Road"
"On Bahia Concepcion"
"Crossing Lake Tinn"
"Under Sandhill Cranes"

Jeff Ewing's Website.

Jeff Ewing on Twitter.

About Wind Apples:

"'Here, then gone. We sense each/ other in the dark, hands outstretched beneath/ humming wires, holding on....' Jeff Ewing writes toward the end of Wind Apples, an astonishingly aching collection of poems that resonate and vibrate, so struck with awe are they. Ewing's poems bear witness to the ephemeral—not always as elegy, but as a way to wonder and to make monument out of fleeting moments of beauty in the natural world, or fleeting connections between people—be they lovers or family members. And though those hands reach out, Ewing also reminds us: '[t]he gods let us know when we've overreached.' In poem after burnished poem, he lights the darkness for us, allows us to see clearly a world that is here, then gone. We look through a 'rented window' 'imprinted with a vision of the world as it once was.' Jeff Ewing inspires us to keep looking, and not to turn away."
—James Allen Hall

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