
Today's poem is "Avian Economics"
from Each Leaf Singing

MoonPath Press

Caroline Boutard and her husband, Anthony have run a small farm in the Tualatin Valley of Oregon for the past twenty-three years. The natural world and its fellow occupants have given her plenty to think and write about. Caroline holds a Master of Fine Arts in poetry from Pacific University.

Books by Caroline Boutard:

Other poems on the web by Caroline Boutard:
"A Farming Education"

Caroline Boutard's Website.

Caroline Boutard According to Wikipedia.

About Each Leaf Singing:

"After decades of intimacy with the turning of the earth and its seasons, Caroline Boutard has given us a book brimming with an ancient wisdom. In these poems our harried modern lives can slow down and remember the blessed comings and goings of all things. We can learn again what it means to grieve and celebrate in the same breath. Because we must. Trust this voice, 'dumb on sun and sugar,' to sing you into now and whatever comes next."
—Rosemary Catacalos

"Boutard's splendid first collection, Each Leaf Singing, is an elegiac recounting of a marriage, a farm, and a life she intimately knows and tends. Because her husband is living with a terminal illness, their time on this farm is coming to an end, and there is grief and loss here. But the primary experience in this book is one of exuberance and joy. There is no pretense, only a wildly intelligent and skilled poet using her craft to convince us that 'A heart broken by the world, and in love with its possibilities, is entirely reasonable.'"
—Julia B. Levine

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