
Today's poem is by Ace Boggess

Prayer for Another October

Lord, grant me two Octobers in a row:
the mild cold & slightly-windy mostly-calm,
rain gray that heightens love
for color—violent flicks of electric sparks
bursting through the woods like daytime will-
o-wisps. Yes, provide me
a few more jacks-o-lantern, children
in their ugly masks to cover up their ugliness, &
candy. One extra whisper of decadence
mid-autumn peddles—the indiscrete seductions.

I'd gladly give up February with its lies &
dead time trapped in a prison of quiet.
I could live with several fewer Augusts,
too, pressing down like schoolyard bullies,
pummeling with their fists like flames.

O Wandering Artisan, how it humbles me
to confess that I desire this.
Want is want, & mine is
for those hours when eyes & skin
share equal pleasure sense, sniffing scents
of chocolate freshly torn from foil,
tasting the sugared peanut butter &
wafers caked in caramel. Let me tremble
against the breeze as I walk a riverbank
at night, giving & receiving stories,
hours I might be myself & not.

Copyright © 2020 Ace Boggess All rights reserved
from Misadventure
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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