Today's poem is by Keith Flynn
Gaslight: Inauguration Day
My Movado stopped at 12:02
as the Slovenian First Lady
waltzed with Lincoln's Bibleabove the frothing camera
crews, her steely mien unmoving
in the stew of eyes. Emptybleachers buttressed the slow
motion parade, and the fire
trucks stalled. Mediocrityflooded the National Mall.
Inauguration Day, a young man,
arms outstretched, 100 storiesabove the city, on the Westgate
Bridge, held aloft by swirling
blue police lights, determinedto suicide. The president
declares that he alone can
repair the American carnage.Breakfast on the terrace,
my croissant writhed and
began its buttered dive offthe deck. 20,000 riot cops
practiced restraint as their
bloody fingers loosenedround the protestors' necks.
Underwater, I prepare myself
for every kind of violence,aware that resistance is
doggerel, and my mongrel love
opens wide. Born sick,susceptible to hellish jealousy,
the president turned his hair
into a lucky knot. Ceremonialpower does not stop, or hasten
the sizzle of falling rain, or
bend the wind away fromthe banal porticoes. Twitter-
in-Chief, the Cheeto Caligula
is easy prey, praying forsanctuary, that his lid should
not flip mid-sentence.
Beginnings foreshadow,prophecies founder, non-
linear arguments web
around us. The language
we speak affects the waywe think. Even if the future
leads, do we follow?
A gap in time, now static,embroiders the fresh dialectic,
a fact-free epoch, where
the present is a sliver,transitive, vindictive, in-
capable of yielding to
propriety. Awakened tothis disquieting scene,
on the edge of my property,
thirty-seven perched vulturesin a dead cypress tree. The
First Lady's coif does not
shiver in the shifting wind.
Copyright © 2020 Keith Flynn All rights reserved
from The Skin of Meaning
Red Hen Press
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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