Today's poem is
"At the End of My Marriage, I Think of Something My Daughter Said about Trees"
from Iron Horse Literary Review
Maggie Smith is the author of four books, most recently Good Bones (Tupelo Press, 2017) and the forthcoming Keep Moving: Notes on Loss, Creativity, and Change (Simon & Schuster, May 2020). Her poems have appeared in the New York Times, Tin House, Poetry, The New Yorker, and the Paris Review.Other poems by Maggie Smith in Verse Daily:
July 20, 2017: "Rain, New Year's Eve" "The rain is a broken piano..."
July 12, 2017: "Goldenrod" "I'm no botanist. If you're the color of sulfur..."
March 28, 2017: "Love Poem" "What can I give you? You have plenty..."
December 12, 2008: "When Worlds Collide (1951)" "If Dr. Bronson's calculations prove to be correct..."Books by Maggie Smith:
Other poems on the web by Maggie Smith:
Eleven poems
Four poems
Two poems
Seven poems
"The Train Book, I Think of Lisa"
"Seven Disappointments (2)"
"Let's Not Begin"
Three poems
"Mew Year Sestina"
Three poemsMaggie Smith According to Wikipedia.
About Iron Horse Literary Review:
Subscription: 1yr (6 issues) $15
Iron Horse Literary Review *
Texas Tech University *
Department of English *
Mailstop 43091 *
Lubbock, TX 79409-3091
Poetry Editor: Geffrey Davis
April 2, 2019: "There Is a Snake" Bess Cooley
April 1, 2019: "Talking to Other Women after the Election" Katherine Riegel
February 22, 2016: "Benediction Ending with Stray Dogs" by Andrew Miller
February 21, 2016: "Chorus" by John E. Glowney
December 16, 2014: "July 13, 1946" by Jessica Jacobs
June 9, 2014: "Pulling the Arrow Out" by Carl Phillips
June 8, 2012: "Winter and Spring" by Randolph Thomas
March 15, 2012: "Places that have become me" by Bob Hicok
June 11, 2010: "Monster-Life" by Nathan Anderson
June 24, 2009: "Resurrection Fern" by Sara Johnson
June 21, 2009: "The Child and the Parent" by Ted Kooser
June 20, 2009: "The Fugitive Kind" by Austin Hummell
January 18, 2009: "Ovid in Exile" by John Hart
January 17, 2009: "Possum Nocturne" by Doug Ramspeck
October 13, 2008: "Over a Ballpoint" by Allan Peterson
May 15, 2008: "A wedding night" by Randolph Thomas
May 14, 2008: "Lost in the Heart of the Concert" by Pattiann Rogers
February 28, 2008: "Fold, Fold" by Mary Crow
February 25, 2008: "Anubis" by Alan Shapiro
September 19, 2007: "Elemental: Nitrogen" by Suzanne Heyd
May 18, 2007: "Autumn Again" by Michael Pettit
December 16, 2006: "Sky: An Inquiry" by Leslie Ullman
April 12, 2005: "Cardinal Virtue" by Nicky Beer
September 7, 2004: "Tantalus" by Robert B. Shaw
March 28, 2004: "Moving the Moon" by Deborah Bogen
September 22, 2003: "Aubade" by Richard Foerster
September 20, 2003: "Goodwill" by Elizabeth McLagan
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