Today's poem is "Lark Sparrow"
from Texases
John Poch
's fifth book, Texases, was published last year by WordFarm. His poems have appeared in Paris Review, Poetry, The Nation, The New Republic, and other magazines. He teaches at Texas Tech University.
Other poems by John Poch in Verse Daily:
September 9, 2009: "Valle Vidal" "Like a cutthroat..."
August 18, 2008: "The Ghost Town" "It need not be a desiccated wreck..."
December 27, 2003: "Thief" "Before the snow, I stand in a darkening field...."
November 18, 2003: "Talking About Fire" "Prometheus and his old hawk, sore..."
October 3, 2002: "The Veery" "I have predicted the end of spring for the fifth time..."
Books by John Poch:
Other poems on the web by John Poch:
Four poems
Three poems
Four poems
Two poems
"Independence Creek"
Two poems
Two poems
Two poems
John Poch According to Wikipedia.
John Poch on Twitter.
About Texases:
"In Texases John Poch's vision of his land is as real as mesquite debris or a governor who 'jogs just down the road / with a pistol for coyotes.' At the same time, it is ethereal, entering poems visited by angels and biblical cadences and scriptural tones. Indeed, it is everywhere. Poch creates this landscape and its people with skill and beauty, in a voice that combines wisdom and humor, enlivening a book that is a joy to read."
"Like the 'staked plains, dry-land, long view man' he praises in one poem, John Poch knows the harsh beauty of Texas, and in this new collection he gives us a plural, abundant portrait of his beloved place. Here are prose poems, sonnets, villanelles, and all the enduring pleasures of formal verse, brought back down to earth by Poch's unflinching eye, and his hard-won knowledge of work, and people, and the past. Texases is a kind of psalter, full of graceful and moving love songs to the land."
Grace Schulman
Patrick Phillips
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