Today's poem is
"Available Light"
from Bennington Review
Eric Pankey
is the author of many collections of poems, recently Alias (Free Verse Editions 2020) and Owl of Minerva (Milkweed Editions 2019).
Other poems by Eric Pankey in Verse Daily:
March 5, 2015: "My Brother's Insomnia" "A boy ties (but will not remember how)..."
February 18, 2015: "Lost" "In the distance, a river..."
December 28, 2005: "Rain-Freighted" " Then the rain fell, as it does..."
November 28, 2005: "As A Damper Quells A Struck String" " To name the melon flower is not to chart the hypothetical..."
April 10, 2005: "The Narration of Rain ""Rain blows through the pines. Rain rattles water oak leaves. Rain on..."
June 2, 2003: "Leave-Taking Above the Missouri" "The way out is up, over, through the thistle gate..."
May 4, 2003: "The Reconstruction of the Fictive Space" "I open my eyes and a season passes..."
Books by Eric Pankey:
Other poems on the web by Eric Pankey:
Five poems
Seven poems
"Speculation on Suffering"
Two poems
Two poems
Four poems
Two poems
"The Worksite"
Five poems
Eric Pankey's Website.
Eric Pankey According to Wikipedia.
Subscription: 2 issues $22
Poems from Bennington Review previously featured on Verse Daily:
Copyright © 2002-2020 Verse Daily All Rights Reserved
Bennington Review *
1 College Drive *
Bennington, VT 05201
Editor: Michael Dumanis
March 25, 2020: "Checkpoint" by David Baker
March 24, 2020: "Our Lady of Thoughts and Prayers" by Alison Pelegrin
March 27, 2019: Of Course" Lisa Fay Coutley
March 25, 2019: "Shovel" Jericho Brown
August 7, 2017: "Decimation" by Raymond McDaniel
August 3, 2017: "The Nacreous Interior" by Ryo Yamaguchi
August 2, 2017: "Paradise" by Andy Stallings
August 1, 2017: "[In this small tent men pound]" by Gale Marie Thompson
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