Today's poem is "Letters from the Dead"
from The Honey of Earth
David Graham
has published two full-length collections of poetry, four chapbooks, and one prose anthology, After Confession: Poetry as Autobiography, co-edited with Kate Sontag. His poems have been published in such journals as Prairie Schooner, The Cortland Review, and Sycamore Review, and featured on Poetry Daily and The Writer's Almanac. He retired in 2016 from teaching writing and literature at Ripon College, where he also hosted their Visiting Writers Series for twenty-eight years. He has served on The Poets' Prize Committee and the Wisconsin Poet Laureate Commission and was a Resident Poet as well as faculty member at The Frost Place in Franconia, New Hampshire. Currently he is a contributing editor for Verse-Virtual, where he also contributes a monthly column, "Poetic License," on poetry and poets. He now lives in his native upstate New York with his wife, the artist Lee Shippey.
Books by David Graham:
Other poems on the web by David Graham:
"I Call To Remembrance My Song In The Night"
Five poems
"Listening for Your Name"
" Sundowning at the Dementia Unit"
Two poems
David Graham's Website.
David Graham According to Wikipedia.
David Graham on Twitter.
About The Honey of Earth:
"How can Ior anyonenot adore David Graham's new collection? The tone throughout is hospitable, wry, and affirming even while acknowledging that loss and suffering are ever present. The honey of earth 'comes and goes at once,' Wallace Stevens wrote, and these poems embody that paradox in vivid detail and compelling language. The sweetness that life offerslove, art, music, family, natureexists simultaneously with the bitterness it guaranteespain, grief, death. Both coming and going, The Honey of Earth deftly weaves 'darkness and light together' with great wisdom, humor, and compassion."
Eric Nelson
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