Today's poem is by Noah Blaustein
Tide Pool
The old oceans return us, slowly tug us,
along the familiar fiction of childhood.
NORMAN DUBIE, "Popham of the New Song"
I'm dating my 16-year-old
self again. I'm a romantic dog. Woody
Allen is a hero & Portnoy a god
but I've yet to rub Buddha's fat
vegan belly. In my free time
I still think my time is free. I ditch
my public education staring at the holes
in the asbestos ceiling tile & read
Plato at Jetty because I've been told
he was serious & I want to be serious
even though I can't stop punctuating
every sentence with "dude." Most
Californian sea life is dull-brown or gray
except for sea anemone, which are blue
or red. The jetty smells of sea lions
& fishermen but I've never seen
a sea lion or fishermen there, only
a baby great white once after a storm,
jaw opened on the wet rock, too small
to fit around my knee, its incisors
kind of cute. My life's already been
punctuated by death & ecstasy,
cranial needles & feral dogs
chasing us mezcal-eyed on horseback
through Ensenada' s barrio muerte
so I think that qualifies me to be a poet
even though I'm not really sure
what a poet does. "But," Katie says,
"you can't be special in this city
unless you're a movie star & why
would you want to do that?" I've
shown her my spot on the rocks
at Sunset & PCH & shown her
my wave doodles in the foreword
of Plato because I can't focus
long enough to make it through
the first page. "Look," I say & poke
the mouth of a red anemone
so it wraps its sticky around
my poke & shudders as though
it were midnight & my finger
was a grunion come ashore to mate
& I am now a piece of moonlight
caught flopping back to join the rest
of the ocean's moonlight. Katie
is from a family that uses words
like "proper"her parents say
I got an artist for a dad. Red
crabs shadow in the rocks
& move their turret eyes
every time we touch hands.
"You're so obvious," she says.
Copyright © 2019 Noah Blaustein All rights reserved
from After Party
University of New Mexico Press
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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