
Today's poem is by Matthew Murrey

The News

At the launch site in Florida
the whooping and clapping stopped,
stunned into silence or Oh my God
hands frozen this far apart in disbelief.
Mesmerized, a boy in a classroom watched
the replays; so close to the TV
he saw his own face in the fireball.
On the west coast a man looked up
at a skyscraper falling towards him—
no, it was only the clouds moving.
In another country a table of men
drank wine to celebrate; "Goliath
tripping on his own sword," one said.
In Chicago, I was delivering packages,
about to enter a revolving door
when a woman took off her Walkman
and said to me, "The shuttle blew up."
I stopped and looked up, saw the usual
blue sky with a few roving clouds.
Nothing falling or failing, just a plane
high above the buildings heading down
west to the airport. All those believers
putting up trays, fastening seat belts,
probably still unaware of the big news.

Copyright © 2019 Matthew Murrey All rights reserved
from Bulletproof
Jacar Press
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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