
Today's poem is by Benjamin Garcia

Heroin with an e
Most of the time when people write about the Hope Diamond
they start with, 'Well it was found in India." Part of the
point I always try to make to people is really the story began
a lot sooner. Many diamonds don't ever get to that point
because they just didn't survive all these things that had to
have happened.

JEFFREY POST, from "Diamonds Unearthed"


you might do well // to learn the other uses
of an opium poppy // pick one and flip it
upside down // it's a doll in a bright red dress
but where is her head // where is her head
strip the flower // petals bunched together
like a clump of hair // an oxygen rich scrunchie
on a sideways ponytail // pin the flower head
to your blouse // now it's a homecoming mum
that night // you didn't come home to mom
didn't want to become a mom // so you pressed
the poppy between your thighs // a cup of seeds
something called a diaphragm // you liked it so
you did it again // no one told you how good
it could feel // stay away just don't do it say no
you took another hit // because goddamn all of it
plucked & plucked he loved you & loved you // not
flower head tossed in the toilet // a blood clot
with an ovum caught inside it // because fuck him


is that unpleasant to your palate // then pick another
poppy by the stem // and take a light to it on either end
it bleeds a white ash // your mother in the kitchen
waiting & waiting measuring her life // in cigarettes
and coffee spoons she burns // the slender neck of a poppy
it's the incense smoking in the hallway // praying
the myrrh might pry you from // whatever traphouse
you're calling home tonight // dull halo of dust
where the kitchen TV was // where you were once
entranced by the Technicolor // Emerald City Oz
you were just a girl and couldn't help but fall // asleep
before Dorothy even reached // the nodding flowers
dusk fielding the sepia window // where are you
I never worry about your brothers // married and working
and working and why aren't you // calling home tonight
she watches the window like a TV channel // bad connection
turn the dial jiggle the wire // snow still cuts the picture
why aren't you aren't you calling home // home tonight


when all of what had to have happened // happened
when I slept on the floor of a street // mother called
rock bottom // when I thought I couldn't fall deeper
I rolled into the gutter // I fell and fell into the sewer
I swam against the slurry // it felt like I would kick & kick
and it's like I wasn't moving // in a tango called the 12 step
God was my partner and he wouldn't lead // had two left feet
I'm going to drown down here is that what you want // no
I still have two feet left I said // God said you got this girl
that's when I stopped fighting // it's called accepting
what we cannot change // I rode the current to the end
of a sewage treatment plant // I was treated and cycled
through vats of waste // pushed through grates my hair
caught in the spinning filters // chemical and electrolysis
processed // any minute in jail is another minute alive
my mother said this and it must be // the most generous
use of that term mother // the voice of God was obnoxious
he said Marlene bitch you got this // why me why me lord
even light can be a kind of pollution even sound // sulfur
makes the eternal waters of some lakes // clear as death
and still life breeds there // if you dare to call that living
methadone Suboxone maintenance // so what if you need this
the difference between drug and medicine // is why you take it
take it every day every day // you think your life is worthless
remember that // sometimes even a diamond was once alive

Copyright © 2019 Benjamin Garcia All rights reserved
from Prairie Schooner
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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