Today's poem is "Middle East Tautology"
from Collateral Damage
Neil Silberblatt
's poems have appeared, or will soon appear, in numerous
journals, including The American journal of Poetry, Tikkun, Poetica Magazine,
The Aurorean, Mom Egg Review, Ibbetson Street Press, Naugatuck River Review,
Chantarelle's Notebook, Canopic]ar, Muddy River Poetry Review, Nixes Mate Review,
and The Good Men Project. His work has also selected for various anthologies,
including University of Connecticut's Teacher-Writer magazine; and Culinary Poems
(Pirene's Fountain). He has published two poetry collections: So Far, So Good (2012),
and Present Tense (2013), and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. His most
recent poetry book, Past Imperfect (Nixes Mate Books, 2018), has been nominated
for the Mass. Book Award in Poetry. Neil is the founder/director of Voices of Poetry
which has organized and presented a series of poetry events (featuring acclaimed
poets) at various venues in NY, NJ, CT and MA, including The Mount I Edith
Wharton's home in Lenox, MA, and The Rubin Museum of Art in NYC.
Books by Neil Silberblatt:
Other poems on the web by Neil Silberblatt:
Two poems
Two poems
"Slave Ship"
Two poems
Collateral Damage
Edited by: Ami Kaye
Other poems from Collateral Damage in Verse Daily:
May 6, 2019: "To Amal (Because Your Name Means Hope)" Hedy Habra
May 5, 2019: "Syrian Girl Crossing the Border from Greece" Rustin Larson
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