Today's poem is "The Flower Kissers"
from Mudança
Kevin Cutrer
taught English in Northeastern Brazil, and now lives in Boston. His poems and reviews have appeared in such publications as The Hudson Review, The Dark Horse, The Raintown Review, Literary Matters, and Panorama: the Journal of Intelligent Travel. His poems have been featured on E-Verse Radio and Poetry Daily. He frequently reads in venues across Boston, Cambridge, and New York, and is the co-host, with Luke Bauerlein and Luke Stromberg, of Works Cited: a Podcast about Poems. Kevin Cutrer is the author of THE LORD'S OWN ANOINTED (Dos Madres Press, 2015). His latest book of poetry is MUDANçA (Dos Madres Press, 2019).
Books by Kevin Cutrer:
Other poems on the web by Kevin Cutrer:
"The Lesser Light"
"Fall on your Knees"
Kevin Cutrer's Website.
Kevin Cutrer on Twitter.
About Mudança:
"Mudança is first and foremost a book of discoveryof a new muse from Brazil, or 'moose,' as she pronounces it; of a new language, Portuguese, in which mispronunciations turn shoes into toads and hair into horses, stampeding; of a new rainbow-colored currency, a veritable Noah's ark, what with the fauna that 'house' therein ... and to a lesser extent a book of rediscovery—of the poet's mother tongue, the 'patois' that mothers speak to babies; of a transcendental 'yes,' as expressed in hymns from childhood; and of ecstasy on the playground, and humiliation, which led the poet, in second grade, to swear off dancing. But he changed his stance, the poet did, and Mudança (the Portuguese word for 'change,' which maybe 'contains the word for 'dance'') is a witty and poignant and life-affirming 'letting loose.'"
David Havird
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