Today's poem is "Who We Are"
from The Raiment We Put On
Kelly Cherry
is the author of twenty-six books of fiction (long and short), poetry, memoir, essay, and criticism, and her 27th comes out in a couple of weeks. She has also published eleven chapbooks and translations of two classical dramas. Her most recent titles are Quartet for J. Robert Oppenheimer: A Poem, Beholder's Eye: poems, and the forthcoming Temporium: Before the Beginning to After the End, which she says was a ton of fun to write. Her books also include Twelve Women in a Country Called America: Stories and The Retreats of Thought: Poems. Her newest chapbook is "Weather," beautifully produced by Rain Mountain. Her A Kind of Dream (interlinked stories) was selected by Library Journal as a Best Indie book. Her fiction has appeared in Best American Short Stories, Prize Stories: The O. Henry Awards, The Pushcart Prize, and New Stories from the South and has won three PEN/Syndicated Fiction awards. Her story collection The Society of Friends (which, she says, has nothing to do with the Society of Friends) received the Dictionary of Literary Biography Award for Short Fiction for the best collection published in 1999. For her poetry she received the inaugural Hanes Prize for a body of work. Other awards are listed on her Wikipedia page. Her new and selected poems, titled Hazard and Prospect, was a finalist for the Poets' Award. Cherry says, "I write because I have ideas that can be realized only by writing. Luckily, I love to write. And I love to hear from those who read my work and respond to the heart of what I write."
Other poems by Kelly Cherry in Verse Daily:
August 6, 2002: "Perspective" "Three does stood at the edge of the road...."
Books by Kelly Cherry:
Other poems on the web by Kelly Cherry:
Three poems
"Sappho in Her Study"
Two poems
Four poems
Kelly Cherry According to Wikipedia.
Kelly Cherry on Twitter.
About The Raiment We Put On:
"Kelly Cherry takes on what few contemporary poets are willing to: the ways and hows of human existence, in both personal and historical terms. Tonally and technically, she has a wide range, being capable of writing touchingly intimate love poems on the one hand and treating natural objects with scientific precision on the other. The common denominator is the sensibility of a poet for whom all human perceptions, whether of inner experience or external things, turn into metaphor; that is to say, a language of meaning through connection."
"I know of no other contemporary poet who has quite her gifts. Hers is a poetry of deep intellectual as well as emotional commitment, and this fact is insurance that her poetry will endure when so much unfocused effusion has collapsed into deserving dust. Hers is a passionate intellection, and she embodies it in a bright tough music no one else matches or even approaches."
Lisel Mueller
Fred Chappell
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