
Today's poem is "Hourglass in Service of the Sociopath's Wife"
from prey

Black Lawrence Press

Jeanann Verlee is a 2017 NEA Poetry Fellow and the author of three books of poetry: prey (Black Lawrence, 2018), first runner-up for the 2016 Benjamin Saltman Poetry Award; Said the Manic to the Muse (Write Bloody, 2015); and Racing Hummingbirds (Write Bloody, 2010), silver medal winner in the Independent Publisher Book Awards. She is a recipient of the Third Coast Poetry Prize and the Sandy Crimmins National Prize for Poetry, and her work appears in Adroit, The Journal, Rattle, and Yemassee, among others. Verlee has served as poetry editor for a number of publications, including Union Station Magazine and Winter Tangerine Review: Fragments of Persephone, and as copy editor for multiple individual collections. For seven years, she was director of the Urbana Poetry Slam reading series and she continues to perform and facilitate workshops at schools, theatres, libraries, bookstores, and dive bars across North America. Verlee collects tattoos and kisses Rottweilers. She believes in you.

Books by Jeanann Verlee:

Other poems on the web by Jeanann Verlee:
"In a Culture of Predation"
Two poems
Three poems
Five poems
"The Mania Speaks"
"Poem to Translate the Poems"
Two poems
"Ode To My Mother's Backhand"
Five poems
Three poems
Four poems
"The boy moving overseas asks to meet for coffee to address our 'miscommunication' about his ongoing friendship with a man who raped me."
"Helen Considers Leaving Troy"

Jeanann Verlee's Website.

Jeanann Verlee on Twitter.

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