Today's poem is
"Holy Wafer"
from The Manhattan Review
Hal Sirowitz
was awarded the AE Ventures life achievement
award in 2018. A documentary is in production about his life
with the writer Minter Krotzer, dealing with his Parkinson's and
directed by Ram Devineni. He has a new book of poetry, "Planned
Child," ready for publication.
Other poems by Hal Sirowitz in Verse Daily:
Books by Hal Sirowitz:
Other poems on the web by Hal Sirowitz:
Hal Sirowitz's Website.
Hal Sirowitz According to Wikipedia.
About The Manhattan Review:
February 2, 2013: "Stuck at the Beginning" "The beginning of a traffic circle..."
Three poems
Four poems
"Dirty Restrooms Can Kill Love"
Thirty-five poems
Six poems
"I Hate Purple"
"Why God Created Light"
"Reusing Words"
"I Finally Managed to Speak to Her"
Subscription: 1 year (3 issues), $20
Copyright © 2002-2019 Verse Daily All Rights Reserved
The Manhattan Review * 440 Riverside Drive * #38 * New York, NY 10027
Editor: Philip Fried
Other poems by The Manhattan Review in Verse Daily:
February 24, 2019: "Inmost Circle" D. Nurkse
February 16 2016: "To Avoid a White Day" by Jeanne Marie Beaumont
February 14, 2016: "Half-Finished Houses" by D. Nurkse
June 9, 2010: "Starlings" by Roddy Lumsden
June 7, 2010: "Syntax" by Jeanne Marie Beaumont
April 23, 2009: "Echoing Canto of the Gleaners (Inferno)" by John Kinsella
April 19, 2009: "Sunday Morning" by Kathryn Simmonds
April 18, 2009: "Isle Au Haut" by Jeanne Marie Beaumont
April 17, 2009: "Sand" by Bruce Bond
March 13, 2008: "Coligny" by D. Nurske
March 11, 2008: "Canto of the Workshop" by John Kinsella
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