Today's poem is "Deathless Navigator"
from Settlers
F. Daniel Rzicznek
's previous collections of poetry are Divination Machine (Free Verse Editions/Parlor Press) and Neck of the World (Utah State University Press), as well as four chapbooks, most recently Live Feeds (Epiphany Editions). He is coeditor of The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry: Contemporary Poets in Discussion and Practice (Rose Metal Press). Rzicznek teaches writing at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio.
Other poems by F. Daniel Rzicznek in Verse Daily:
Books by F. Daniel Rzicznek:
Other poems on the web by F. Daniel Rzicznek:
About Settlers:
"Reading F. Daniel Rzicznek's Settlers is like putting on a pair of X-ray goggles and suddenly seeing our surroundings--lake, snow, buttermilk, car, dog--in a radically different light. By telescoping multiple time scales onto the same place, whether an imagined world without humans, a past of Civil War soldiers, or today's acts of gun violence, these poems expand what is possible in landscape poetry and offer a deeply-felt ethical stance. "Every where is a ceaseless center--," Rzicznek writes, and so poetry, this splendid book tells us, must be a ceaseless act of inclusiveness."
"Reading Settlers is a tactile experience, lush with precise knowledge of the abundance of the natural world. Rzicznek conjures up rural mysteries and the residue of disasters, creating a sense of déjà vu, of things carefully noticed long ago and then forgotten, now resurrected in these poems. In "Houses, Drifting," "A man wrestles / a wheelbarrow from the river's fluid din," an image that suggests what relics lurk beneath surfaces in this collection--surprising, wondrous, and, in fact, unsettling."
April 8, 2012: "Anima" "On wet sand the tracks of deer, geese..."
August 31, 2006: "Grackles" " The day is fastened..."
August 9, 2005: "Returning The Ghost "After the glass of crashing..."
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