
Today's poem is "Dravecky Dreams"
from Home Team

Grayson Books

Edwin Romond's is the author of two previous books of poetry. His poems have appeared in many journals, s in college texts, and in anthologies. He has been awarded poetry fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and from both the New Jersey and Pennsylvania State Councils on the Arts. Romond was a public school teacher for 32 years in Wisconsin and New Jersey before retiring. He is now associated with the poetry program of the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation.

Books by Edwin Romond:

Other poems on the web by Edwin Romond:
Four poems
"Crossing in Fog"

^Edwin Romond's Website.

About Home Team:

"Edwin Romond has a special way of tapping into the places where we keep our deepest memories of joy and pain. Sometimes they involve baseball, and I'm entranced by the ways baseball transports him, and me, to childhood and neighborhood, where kids chase fly balls in the street, listen to broadcasts under their covers, love distant men they'll never know, beg exhausted dads for five more minutes of playing catch. For me, it was a long time ago. His words put me there again."
—Bill White

"From the grass growing in far left field to the runner rounding third and headed for home, the lines never falter, the images run true, and...it is no stretch at all to hear the angels cheer 'from the upper deck / of baseball's summer sky.'"
—Phebe Davidson

"I read Home Team with the relish of a fan pouring over the line-up card at every home opener in the universe. From the Blue Mountain League to the House That Ruth Built, we see America's pastime through the eyes of a child and a father, in all its majesty and nuance, anticipating a squeeze or a slide, and 'whatever's left after the final out.'"
—Tom Plante

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