Today's poem is
"A Name for Illness I Knew, but Couldn't Say"
from Third Coast
Chelsea Dingman
is a Visiting Instructor at the University of South
Florida. Her first book, Thaw, was chosen by Allison Joseph to win the
National Poetry Series (University of Georgia Press, 2017). Her chapbook,
What Bodies Have I Moved, is forthcoming from Madhouse Press (2018).
In 2016-17, she also won The Southeast Review's Gearhart Poetry Prize,
The Sycamore Review's Wabash Prize, Water-stone Review's Jane Kenyon
Poetry Prize, and The South Atlantic Modern Language Association's
Creative Writing Award for Poetry. Her work can be found in Ninth Letter,
The Colorado Review, Mid-American Review, Cincinnati Review, and Prairie
Schooner, among others.
Other poems by Chelsea Dingman in Verse Daily:
Books by Chelsea Dingman:
Other poems on the web by Chelsea Dingman:
Chelsea Dingman's Website.
Chelsea Dingman on Twitter.
Chelsea Dingman's Website.
About Third Coast:
March 4, 2017: "Ghost Walk After the Resurrection" "I hear the clatter of hands inside..."
Three poems
Two poems
"Consider the Mess of Stars"
Two poems
"Things I Never Give Myself Permission to Say"
"I Am In This World, But Not Of This World"
Three poems
"Letters from a War"
Two poems
"The Suicide"
"For My Son: A Forest of Stars"
"When the World"
"After Fleeing a War in the Second Wave"
Two poems
"Last Night I Knew Myself"
Three poems
"Letter to My Mother from the Shuswap"
"How Briefly the Body"
Two poems
"City, Surrounded"
Subscription: $16
Copyright © 2002-2019 Verse Daily All Rights Reserved
Third Coast *
Western Michigan University *
English Department *
1903 W Michigan Ave. *
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5331
Poetry Editor: Elizabyth Hiscox & Glenn Shaheen
Other poems by Third Coast in Verse Daily:
February 4, 2019: "Because There's No Emoji for Memory" Lara Egger
November 13, 2015: "Ostrichland" by Kristin Robertson
November 12, 2015: "Grandeur in a mug of wine" by Alexis Pope
June 25, 2014: "Narrative" by Jenny Molberg
June 24, 2014: "A mother poem" by Tom Useted
November 21, 2013: "Hurricane Birds" by dawn lonsinger
November 19, 2013: "Nocturne" by Max Somers
November 18, 2013: "A Taste, With Explosions of Woody and Floral Undertones" by Katie Jean Shinkle
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