Today's poem is "A Girl's Own Gothic"
from A Folio for the Dark
Camille Norton
is a Professor of English at University of the Pacific, in Stockton, CA, she teaches courses in poetry, gender studies, and critical theory.
Books by Camille Norton:
Other poems on the web by Camille Norton:
"The Burglars"
"The Lesbian Body, for Monique Wittig"
Camille Norton According to Wikipedia.
About A Folio for the Dark:
"In her brilliant second collection, Camille Norton creates a deep and lush interior world where she is both reader and writer, young girl and sensual adult, herself and other. In these poems, which are as mysterious, brutal, and beautiful as truth, Norton writes her way into the lives of those she has read: Poe, Thomas Jefferson, Gertrude Stein, a Confederate prisoner, Herman Melville's whale, and the Old Testament's Jonah. Out of this empathic imagination, there emerges an alchemical voice of the multiple worlds that inhabit Norton's dynamic mind. This is a book where every poem 'is a piece of light . . . already quickening into something else.'"
"Camille Norton's A Folio for the Dark is an exquisite and imaginative excursion into American history as it shadows the poems of personal life. 'Is love a disturbance?' Norton asks, in this archive of memory and the body. She reimagines American historical figures in the process of a collective confession. Thomas Jefferson, William Byrd, and Edgar Allan Poe appear here, as do the experiences of a working-class family, the lesbian body, and 'A Girl's Own Gothic' adolescence. These fiercely elegant poems with modernist subtexts reveal how the perverse injustices of our American past continue to haunt our struggles and desires."
Julia B. Levine
Ramón García
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