
Today's poem is "Holy Beast"
from Wild, Again

Salmon Poetry

Bertha Rogers, poet, translator, and visual artist, has published poems and translations in literary journals and anthologies, including the recent (which she also edited) Like Light: 25 Years of Poetry & Prose by Bright Hill Poets & Writers and Even the Daybreak: 35 Years of Salmon Poetry. Her poetry collections include Heart Turned Back (Salmon); Sleeper, You Wake (Mellen); and several chapbooks and interdisciplinary collections. Her illustrated translation of Beowulf was published in 2000, and her translation with illuminations of the Anglo-Saxon Riddle-Poems from the Exeter Book, Uncommon Creatures, was published in 2019. She has been awarded fellowships by the MacDowell Colony, Hawthornden International Writers Retreat, and others. Her writings on inclusion and cultural diversity in arts education have been published in Open the Door, Education Week, and the Poetry Foundation’s Harriet Blog. Through Bright Hill Press & Literary Center of the Catskills, www.brighthillpress.org, a literary organization founded by Rogers and her husband, Ernest M. Fishman, in 1992, she led the development of the New York State Literary Web Site and Literary Map in partnership with the New York State Council on the Arts (www.nyslittree.org). She serves as Poet Laureate of Delaware County, NY; and she is a member of the selection panel for the Empire State Writers Hall of Fame.

Other poems by Bertha Rogers in Verse Daily:
December 17, 2010:   "The Tortoise" "A recluse who..."

Books by Bertha Rogers:

Other poems on the web by Bertha Rogers:
"To the Heart"
"Somewhere Near the Equator"
Two poems
Three poems

Bertha Rogers's Website.

Bertha Rogers on Twitter.

About Wild, Again:

"'Today I said yes to the land,' says Bertha Rogers in her passionately wise and visionary new collection Wild, Again. . . . Rogers affirms and celebrates life in its cloaks of glory and gloom The brave poems leap from the page, resonating with an insistence on a life lived with sight and vision, and a bone-deep honesty."
—Richard Levine

"Wild, Again's first poem opens with these words: 'Once I was part of a holy beast. . .'—and the thrilling audacity of that assertion, the claim of having both a divine and inhuman heritage, opens wide the parameters of what a poetic bestiary might be. These aren't personae poems, these are poems of embodiment."
—Lynn McGee

"In Bertha Rogers's Wild, Again, the poems are wild, or I should say were, because the poet has tamed them just enough to put them on the page where they stay long enough for us to read them, although they want more than anything to get up and walk or fly away, and be about their business."
—Don Yorty

"In this generous collection, Bertha Rogers expresses her passion for words and the wild, her animist and transcendentalist beliefs undergirded by her durable poetical craft. As you close this book, you'll feel grateful to Rogers for having shared her searing love for nature, family, and her late husband."
—George Held

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