Today's poem is
"Heroin with an e"
from Prairie Schooner
Benjamin Garcia
is a community health specialist who provides HIV /HCV / STD
and opioid overdose prevention education to higher risk communities throughout
New York's Finger Lakes region. He had the honor of being the 2017 Latin@
Scholar at the Frost Place and the 2018 CantoMundo Fellow at the Palm Beach
Poetry Festival. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in, among others, the
American Poetry Review, Nimrod, Puerto del Sol, Lambda Literary, Best New
Poets 2016, and Gulf Coast.
Books by Benjamin Garcia:
Other poems on the web by Benjamin Garcia:
"Le Daria Mis Pulmones"
"Anti-Ode to the Man-O-War"
Two poems
"Ode to the Corpse Flower"
"To the Unborn Sibling"
"A Father's Portrait in Styrofoam"
"Eye of the Hurricane"
Benjamin Garcia's Website.
Benjamin Garcia on Twitter.
About Prairie Schooner:
Subscription: 1yr (6 issues) $15
Copyright © 2002-2019 Verse Daily All Rights Reserved
Prairie Schooner *
123 Andrews Hall *
University of Nebraska–Lincoln *
Lincoln, NE 68588-0334
Poetry Editor: Editor Angel Garcia, Zach Mueller
December 20, 2018: "Parable" Jennie Malboeuf
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