Today's poem is "How We Respond Is What It Means"
from Consolationeer
Marc McKee
is the author of What Apocalypse? (New Michigan Press, 2008); Fuse (Black Lawrence Press, 2011); and Bewilderness (Black Lawrence Press, 2014). Consolationeer is his third full-length collection, and a fourth, Meta Meta Make-Belief, is due from Black Lawrence Press in early 2019. Recent poems appear in Rockhurst Review, The Laurel Review, H_NGM_N, Copper Nickel, Inter|rupture, Memorious, Southern Indiana Review, and others. Here, recent means since about 2015. Three of his poems have been translated into Ukrainian and are included in Anthology of Young Poetry of the U.S.A. (A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers: Ukraine, 2016). He teaches at the University of Missouri in Columbia, where he lives with his wife, Camellia Cosgray, and their son, Harold.
Other poems by Marc McKee in Verse Daily:
Books by Marc McKee:
Other poems on the web by Marc McKee:
Marc McKee on Twitter.
About Consolationeer:
"In Consolationeer, lines soar beyond their bounds, turning sense into vector and idea to a winged thing. The end of the world comes just before daylight and love is simultaneously particular and apocalyptic, falling down in ashes around us. This is the crisis at its best. Consolationeer is Marc at his flyest."
"Marc McKee’s superb third collection Consolationeer is a reminder of why he is one of the most thoughtful and wide-ranging poets putting in work out here. In these intricate poems, McKee holds onto the linguistic wit and musical pleasures of his previous collections, but has learned some other things along the way—about urgency and love, about inevitability and what it means to be on the cusp of permanence. “Nothing happens. / Which is to say an awful lot very nearly / happens” the speaker of “Lately Indesolate” tells us. These poems are full of happenings and almost happenings that show us that we are fortunate and full of luxury to be here right now, living in our slim spaces between necessity and beauty."
"Nobody writes like Marc McKee. His voice is his own, as is his complexly word-deliberate, irrepressibly inventive manner. The result in Consolationeer is a concurrently heartbreaking and delightful tour de force. At the heart of this work is a deep passion, an exhilarating intelligence, and—beyond even these uncommon pleasures—an unshakeable compassion. He is our most wise young poet."
May 15, 2014: "How Move the Boulder" "Yes! may be the best way to start..."
November 17, 2011: "Upon Seeing the Brightly Lit" "At any given moment..."
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May 10, 2008: "Tremble" "I am mystified by the fingerprints I have left..."
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