Today's poem is "[Once migrant, immigrant]"
from Tsigan
Cecilia Woloch
is the author of six previous collections of poems, most recently Carpathia (BOA Editions 2009) and Earth (Two Sylvias Press 2015), as well as a novel, Sur la Route (Quale Press 2015). Tsigan: The Gypsy Poem, originally published by Cahuenga Press in 2001, has been adapted for multi-media performances around the world, was published in French translation by cribe l'Harmattan in 2014, and has been updated and expanded for a new English edition from Two Sylvias Press. In addition to French, Cecilia's work has also been translated into German, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanes and Ukrainian. Her awards include a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, a Pushcart Prize, The Indiana Review Poetry Prize, The New Ohio Review Poetry Prize, and residencies around the world. Currently based in Los Angeles, she spends half of the year on the road.
Other poems by Cecilia Woloch in Verse Daily:
Books by Cecilia Woloch:
Other poems on the web by Cecilia Woloch:
Cecilia Woloch's Website.
Cecilia Woloch According to Wikipedia.
About Tsigan:
"?Cecilia Woloch both eulogizes and celebrates the lives of Gypsies, a people who, through diasporas and a history of persecution, have endured centuries of dispossession, exile, poverty and extermination. What is extraordinary and profoundly compelling in this book-length poetic meditation is how skillfully Woloch intertwines her personal journey of identity with the larger forces in the world that have shaped the Roma people's fate and fortunes."
"I read and reread it with admiration, indeed, but also with gratitude for the realization, the authenticity of its wandering fire. What depth and scope are given here to the very image of Tsigan, the Gypsy, until it becomes the spirit itself. "
"I can't think of anyone who writes like Cecilia Woloch. As she says quoting Isabel Fonseca, 'among gypsies, continual self-reinvention has been the primary tool of survival.' In Tsigan: The Gypsy Poem, Cecilia Woloch reinvents herself as a Gypsy fire of language, a 'single word' set flaming as a daring, dancing lyric conflagration in the reader's hand."
"Upon the blank page of her grandmother's, and every Gypsy's death, Cecilia Woloch writes her own story. Haunted. Unsettled. Gorgeously so."
May 19, 2015: "Ghost Sycamore" "The winter I knew you weren't coming back..."
May 13, 2008: "Anniversary" "Didn't I stand there once..."
[Oh little shadow. Little lurker into doorways. Little Gypsy]
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