
Today's poem is by Mary Meriam

Who leaves me rootless

You! all rich now? man at your cozy table,
tête-à-têre, now gets every murmur, whisper,
laugh and sigh that dreamily leaves your lips? How
sweetly your echo

slays my heart, my hard-ridden heart, that beating
harder, horse-whipped, stifles my voice. Now wordless,
bee-stung, broke, deserted, I look at you and
totally lose it.

Fire snakes and slithers, now blisters blazing
skin, now eyes lose eyesight, now eardrums beat drums,
sweating rain, now race in a thunder tremble
whirlwind tornado

green as grass I'm taken, a prisoner chained in
ravaged daisies. Where is my mind, my flower—
petal-plucked and rootless. Be brave now Mary,
dirt poor but healthy.

Copyright © 2017 Mary Meriam All rights reserved
from The Lillian Trilogy
Headmistress Press
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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