Today's poem is "Things To Look Forward To"
from Night Light
Donald Markos
's biography is not available.
About Night Light:
"The poems in Don Markos' Night Light are authentic and
visionary. He shines a flashlight on memories, taking us
on a wild ride and along the route we learn to 'think like
a bean.' We meet Bob the Barber and syphilitic Regan in
a bait shop, dangle illegal hooks for illegal fish, and are
charmed by Syrian uncles. We, too, stand 'barstool high' to
meet a father who 'refused the honest work that's done where
sparks spit blue.' From Don's poems we learn that ordinary
human experiences with conflicting elements are transformed,
and even wistfulness glistens with humor. Night Light is a
luminous collection."
"Donald Markos has a keen respect for the dark, knowing, as he
does, how many ways a wily past, filtered through memory, can
hide its treasure or merely yield the fool's gold of nostalgia. He
rejects the neon of Vegas in favor of Night Light-exquisitely
calibrated to fit each attempt at illumination. Whether driving
in fog; squatting to uncover green beans; or shining his beam
on characters who include a plain-talking owl, a right wing
barber, an aging Adonis, a homeless man, a stripper, his father,
uncles, several manifestations of himself, and assorted barflies
this poet's 'pale arms of light' never fail at 'pushing the dark
out / of the comers.'"
Maureen Micus Crisick
David Alpaugh
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