
Today's poem is "While the Backwoods Burned"
from Small Crimes

Anhinga Press

Andrea Jurjevic is a native of Croatia. Her poems, as well as her translations of contemporary Croatian poetry, have appeared in EPOCH, TriQuarterly, Best New Poets, the Missouri Review, The Journal, and Gulf Coast, among others. This is her first collection.

Books by Andrea Jurjevic:

Other poems on the web by Andrea Jurjevic:
Three poems
Five poems
"Buffalo Moon"
"Aubade with the Marking Scent of Tobacco, Sweat, Sores"
"The Skirt Dripping Sea"

Andrea Jurjevic's Website.

Andrea Jurjevic on Twitter.

About Small Crimes:

"I love the way, in Andrea Jurjevic's poems, beauty and horror walk arm-in-arm, the way each poem is dense, cacophonous with images, complex and layered as a Kusturica film; the way I want to look away, sometimes, and can't. I love the way she takes me, through her poems, to the human underside of the war in her native Balkans, and to the underside of America, and to the underside of love. I love the wrecked love poems most of all, for their brutal tenderness, for what survives."
—Cecilia Woloch

"The title of this haunting and elegant book is ironic and deeply understated. I expect irony became a way of life, a reality ever-present in the up-turned world the war and dissolution of the former Yugoslavia at the root of these almost unrelenting poems. And the understatement is almost necessary as darkly comic ballast for the weight of the narrative facts. Almost, because countering the violence and grief in the near and distant history behind these poems, is an aching cry of passion, a claim for the love in human life that restores and sustains that life to give it meaning beyond the moment, beyond the privations and despair of present time. In that implicit song of love, one finds hope, transcendence, and any reader of this painful book of serious, artistic verse, will conclude the love discovered here is earned and, at once, miraculous. This book reminds us that life, in all its iterations, is utterly shocking and beautifully defiant."
—Maurice Manning

"War and love tend to bring out the most significant questions about our lives. With an extraordinary gift for language, Andrea Jurjevic reveals our own deepest needs and longings. These poems are beautiful but hard-nosed, and this book marks the debut of a fresh and important new voice in American poetry."
—David Bottoms

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